Kennedy Holmes
North House
Topic: Criminal Investigation
EQ: What is the most important skill to have to become a successful criminal investigator?

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

senior project reflection

1. For my senior project as a whole I am most proud of the contacts that I found for my interviews and service learning. instead of just going to my neighborhood police department i went out and tried to seek people who are higher up.
2.a) P, I met the requirements
   b)AE, I honestly worked extremely hard all year, never missed any of the deadlines, and do feel that i did quality  work.
3. the interviews were my favorite part of senior project as a whole i feel they worked extremely well.
4. Changing my EQ the day before 20 minute presentations, not knowing what was expected for an AE in research checks
5. It gave me my product, which is finding out what to major in and the path to my dream job.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Service Learning
I prepared case files by entering referrals into the system for the investigators to look at.

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I really thing the most important thing i gained from this experience would be to see everything in action. Even though it wasnt at a station I did get to see various investigators.

It helped my first EQ more than anything because i saw how investigators reacted in a professional environment. For my second EQ, there was a time when an investigator contacted the person who put the evidence report together and I got to see the chain of custody in action which help my first and best answer.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Independent Component 2

I, Kennedy Holmes, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30.25 hours of work.

they give out fake cases every 8 weeks and throughout the 8 weeks you get different pieces of evidence

 and interviews with either witnesses or other detectives

 to try to figure out who the correct suspect is. They posted new things up every other day and it would always be up there for reference.

I also took a mini online course about chain of custody because I realized that it is very important in court when it comes to evidence. You would learn things on a few slides

Then you would get a quiz

and then if you got it right you could move on to other slides.

This represent 30 hours of work because everyday i would take a significant amount of time reading over and watching the videos that they posted up. Once I was done with that I did have the option to look at the 5 most prior cases that they posted up and see all of the evidence photos and videos as well. I also did the online class that lasted about 2 hours because it went in depth with chain of custody which actually ended up being a significant part of my 3rd answer.
Being given different pieces of evidence during the process was very helpful because it not only learned about the specific cases and the evidence pertaining to them but I also learned about how different types of evidence effect cases by importance. Such as a DNA mis match for a suspect being important versus a thread found on the scene or a witness testimonial. This helped my EQ " What is most important for a criminal investigator when collecting evidence leading to a conviction?".

Interview 5

Johanis Quiroz
April 26, 12:38

  • Something Art based, or I may do Forensics since that is what my sister did and she has connections but I really want to do art.
  • I told her that she will have an extra component because it is Art based and she would have to show whatever she produced during I Fest.
  •  I was thinking of doing an art class during the summer, or my Dad was an artist so I would have him mentor and teach me things.
  • I don't know if your Dad will count unless he is still a working artist but a class is a really good idea because you can also do that during the year for service learning and both of your independent components.
  • I honestly just want to see fun 2 hour presentations that really catch my interest. I am not looking for anything in particular.
  • When you watch them, also take notes on what type of information people are presenting so that you know how to approach your EQ, and research
  • What do you mean by EQ? and how scary is it really?
  • Your Eq is your driving force of your whole project after you pick your topic. You will have answer to this that you find during your research because it is a question, your essential question. It isnt that scary unless you let it all build up, so just remember to turn everything in on time.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Answer 3

EQ: What is most important to a criminal investigator when collecting evidence leading to a conviction?
When collecting evidence you cannot for any reason go around the law and protocols.
This is probably the most important thing to remember when you are collecting evidence because if it is not collected properly it will not be used in court no matter how compelling or if it makes the suspect look guilty it has to be thrown out. This is stated in California's and the federal evidence codes.
Mary Prang, my 4th interview
Summary of the rules do evidence,has the evidence codes and explains them clearly
Independent component 2, learning about chain of custody and the evidence gathering process by figuring out crimes at crime