Kennedy Holmes
North House
Topic: Criminal Investigation
EQ: What is the most important skill to have to become a successful criminal investigator?

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

What ive learned so far...

1. I've learned how to catagorize different crimes, ive learned the different ways to start out in the field, also back when i was focusing on the crime scene i learned how to set up a crime scene for investigation. As for the overall experience i have learned how to interact with complete strangers. Meaning, the times ive gone to my service learning place i have always met new people and i have learned how to make all my first impressions count.
2. i really do not understand how i would do this

Monday, October 17, 2011

Independent Component 1 Plan Approval

1) I am still indecisive about what i will be doing for my independent component, but i do have a few ideas as to what I can do. The first is to do more service learning hours than required. I am going to be doing my service learning at NICB, but i was talking to the FBI to see if they can fit me somewhere there so for my independent component i can count those hours instead. Another would be a class, yet i am finding that to be difficult because of my age and lack of prerequisites from other college classes. I have been trying to find maybe an online course that i can take to cover this component also. I was wondering if i could take a language course? online or at a college, because one of the my answers is good communication skills and knowing many languages falls under that category. The more you know, the more cases you can work on because you can talk to witness' etc.

2) I will either do 30 more hours of work, or my class and homework should cover more than 30 hours.

3) This will relate to my EQ because from the classes or extra hours i will learn more methods and techniques used by investigators. Learning  these i will find out different skills and get more answers for my EQ.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Defining the Essential Question

1) What is the most important skill you need to have, to become a successful Criminal Investigator?


  •  Skill: it can be a skill that includes a job specialty ( i.e. photography, lab work, being able to understand certain types of crime) or simple techniques.
  • Successful: Having a long and thorough career, being marketable and wanted for cases, being higher up in the investigative field ( i.e captain, head of a team)
  • Criminal Investigator: one who is involved with cases and crime committed, not necessarily the crime scene but focusing on the criminal and the victim.


  • Being able to investigate white-collar crime
  • Being able to investigate cyber crime
  • communication skills
  • knowing a little bit about everything, meaning to know how to solve various crimes and use various techniques
  • how to react in stressful situations
4) My most important source would definitely have to be my first interview with Jack Horvath. He is the captain of one of the four sects in the DA's investigative section.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Second Interview Questions

1. Why did you decide to get into the field of criminal investigation?
2. How did you start out and get into the field?
3.Why do you think it is important to have criminal investigators?
4. What is NICB ( national insurance crime bureau)?
5.What do you do here at NICB ?
6. What do you think is the most important skill  that you need to be a successful criminal investigator?