Kennedy Holmes
North House
Topic: Criminal Investigation
EQ: What is the most important skill to have to become a successful criminal investigator?

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Fourth Interview Questions

  1. Why is evidence collecting important?
  2. Is there a way that evidence is not valid in court?
  3. Which type of evidence is most common?
  4. Which is most convincing?
  5. What should you always remember when collecting it?
  6. How much do investigators really work with evidence?
  7. What type is most accurate in leading to the right suspect?
  8. Why must it have a chain of custody?
  9. How can evidence be tampered?
  10. If I were to set up a crime scene, what is the best way to?
  11. How long do typical investigations last?
  12. How detailed do scene sketches need to be?
  13. Do you really need to know how to photograph?
  14. Is there a type of evidence jurys favor more?
  15. Contrary to television, how does the fingerprint process really work?
  16. What about blood splatter analysis?
  17. Gun shot residue tests?
  18. Who introduces evidence in court?
  19. What is the average amount of pieces of evidence at a scene?
  20. What is most important to know about evidence collecting?

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